375 11th Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Ah, yes, a circus orgy anyone? Sexy, debauched, enchanting, exhilirating - just a few syllables that wander off the tongue o so nicely when conjuring the Bohemian Carnival. Aerialists, klowns, contortionists, go-go dancers, stilters, acrobats, fashion divas, dingbats, wombats…and YOU. Don't miss round three of the Bohemian Carnival, o fishies, or else!

BOHEMIAN CARNIVAL – flyer: www.bohemiancarnival.net
Saturday, November 18, 2006 AD
DNA Lounge
375 11th St., San Francisco
9pm-late; 21+, $15
Advance tickets available via www.dnalounge.com

This month, GOOFERMAN and Vau de Vire Society host special guests:

Cirque Berzerk – www.cirqueberzerk.com
Luxxury – www.luxxury.com
Laird – www.djlaird.com
Xeno – www.xenodrome.com
Nick.the.Neck - http://people.tribe.net/nicktheneck
Circus Metropolus – www.circusmetropolus.com
Miranda Caroligne – www.mirandacaroligne.com
Bad Unkl Sista’ – www.badunklsista.com
Dumb Clothing – www.dumbclothing.com

Past pretty pictures:
http://www.dnalounge.com/gallery/2006/07-28/ (the precursor)

And wear some circusy garb, for the love of gawd. Yer in the circus now - chop chop!

Honk THIS!

Added by boenobo on November 2, 2006