400 Ball Park Dr
West Sacramento, California 95691

WHEN: June 28, 2010, 10AM to 1PM
WHERE: Meet at Raley Field by 9:45AM. We will march to State Capitol West Steps

Join us and be a part of this historic event. We will march as one voice to call for stronger human trafficking laws in California and stress the growing problem of human trafficking in the state.

They wonʼt be able to ignore who we are and what we have to say when we are there in front of them showing the thousands of signatures we have collected.

“Human trafficking is a criminal business that profits from enslaving people for sexual servitude and forced labor. It is flourishing in California because the law is weak,” said Daphne Phung, executive director of California Against Slavery. “There is an urgent need for laws that would provide stiffer measures to stop traffickers, better protection for human trafficking victims, and greater funding for organizations that serve human trafficking victims. We are calling all Californians to speak up at the rally. Let’s make a big deal of a big issue.”

The signatures that *you* have gathered for the CAS initiative is proof that voters want tougher laws against this crime. We will visit our representatives on Capitol Hill to urge them to do more for human trafficking.

WHAT BETTER WAY TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER? Take a day off, hop on the Amtrak and head to the Sacrament for this important rally. Bring signs, family, friends, and pets. Wear your CAS T-shirts. It’s time for justice! Be the voice for the victims, for human dignity. Let your voice be heard!

Official Website: http://www.californiaagainstslavery.org/2010/05/10/rally-in-sacramento/

Added by arthurt on June 6, 2010