2454 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90403

Join us for our next Digital Drinks on Mar 25. We had a good time schmoozing last month, and we're doing it again! This time we'll be at the trendy Wilshire restaurant/bar in Santa Monica.

Enjoy the extra daylight hour! Pry yourselves from your computer screens to get to Wilshire's outdoor back patio by 6 pm. So we can enjoy the sun, and their happy hour specials from 6-7 pm: fruity cocktails around $9 and bar food (calamari, sliders) for $10-12. Then we'll mingle and network til 9ish or later

Look for our Digital LA name tags in the front bar and back patio bar! Bring a fun friend - and plenty o' biz cards!

Digital LA organizes mixers for professionals in online advertising, marketing, and entertainment. Stop on by for informal casual networking. Cause hanging out at bars after work is more fun than morning breakfasts.

Friends and attendees work at Sony Pictures, FOX Interactive, MySpace, Google, Yahoo!, Disney, and other entertainment, studios, and tech companies.


Official Website:

Added by urlgrl on March 18, 2008