3795 Utah Street
San Diego, California 92104

Stop by the Dr. Sketchy's San Diego booth to see the international sensation in action: Where cabaret meets art school. Featuring past and future models Ophelia Handful, Urban Tribal, Stimul8r, Miss H, and Mynx d'Meanor.

The San Diego North Park Craft Mafia is proud to invite you to the "Spring Line Up" craft event at the historic Silver Gate Masonic Hall in North Park. Besides showcasing over 50 vendors, this beautiful venue will be home to live music, guest DJ's, craft demos, a fashion show, and surprises as well! Have an adult beverage at our "Speakeasy Beverage Bar", or enjoy a great cup of coffee & something to eat from The Other Side Coffee House! It's a free, all ages event, so families are welcome! If you attended our "Holiday Hit List" event last year, then you know that we are passionate about promoting the indie crafts/art/fashion community in San Diego. Show your support for local artists by joining us March 30th! The event runs from 12 noon to 6 pm. Don't miss out!

*Free gift bags to the first 100 shoppers!

Official Website: http://sandiegonorthparkcraftmafia.com/SpringLineUp/

Added by mynx dmeanor on March 28, 2008

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