1. E Universtiy Pkwy #110
Baltimore, Maryland 21218

16 CEUs = $325 ($365 after August 28th). Taught by Ann Hoeffel.

Ann Hoeffel, LMT, CHt, CST, BS-Edu has been in private practice since 1984 and has over 4000 hours of training in wholistic health and healing. She studied Ortho-Bionomy with founder Dr. Arthur Pauls. http://www.wholisticlifecenter.com

As bodyworkers we use movement in our work everyday. With a shift in focus and new skills gained in this workshop, you can transform simple movements into an invaluable part of every session -- and make a subtle and powerful shift in your work. Clients love it! Develop the skill to recognize and utilize the inherent and preferred movement patterns of joints, muscles, fascia and whole body movement patterns. Students find this play with movement easy to integrate with current modalities. Observe, demonstrate and experience how movement can be used to: assess where to work in minutes, even seconds; release stuck, stubborn areas; free the body of restrictions and pain.

Please call (410) 243-4688 to register by phone or visit our website at http://www.holisticmassagetraining.org/ContinuingEducation.htm

Added by Holistic Massage on June 25, 2012

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