375 11th Street
San Francisco, California 94103

If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds?
The following people will answer those questions tonight:
8:30PM - First Block of Talks

  1. Annalee Newitz - Spaceships (and a few dragons)
  2. Bryan O'Sullivan - Functional programming: from buzz to products
  3. Ian Kallen - Understand The Web Spam Ecosystem In 5 Minutes
  4. Toby Segaran - Social Data Mining
  5. Brooke Blumenstein - Web 2.0 Outside the Tech Scene
  6. Tara hunt - Forget Venture Capital, Raise Social Capital!
  7. dan farmer - faster than the bear

9:45PM - Second Block of Talks
  1. Violet Blue - Porn or Not?
  2. Chicken John - Art and Innovation
  3. David Recordon> - ScubaBots
  4. Jonathan Foote - SWARM: Spherical Kinetic Robots
  5. Patti Roll - Timbuk2 + CrowdSourcing = Awesomeness
  6. Rick Wesson - Why we are fucked: eCrime and the Internet
  7. Jason Tester - Futurism 2.0: human-future-interaction
  8. Mitch Altman - Hacktivism & Inventing: TV-B-Gone & The Brain Machine

Official Website: http://ignite.oreilly.com

Added by Brady Forrest on September 7, 2007



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