120 Independence Dr
Menlo Park, California


Make:SF monthly project sharing workshops typically will fall on the first Sunday of the the month. Maker Meetups will be one of two types - social meetings or more hands on workshops.

We had about 35 people at the third event, it was a great success! I'd like to encourage people to sign up for a 20 minute time slot to present your work or ideas. 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions. (See the comments section of this post on the blog - makesf.org - for time slots.)

I know TechShop is a bit far for some folks, but it's a pretty awesome resource. Starting Feb 21st we'll also be having a casual Thursday night social event in downtown San Francisco for those who can't make the trip down the peninsula.

We have the full support of Make Magazine who has agreed to supply us with some tech goodies, we still have some back issues to give away, and presenters will receive a T-Shirt (while supplies last).

Again we'll have some stuff to snack on as well.

Hope to see you there! More details and a recap of previous meetings will be available on makesf.org as the date draws nearer...


Official Website: http://newtech.meetup.com/82/calendar/7305376/

Added by uvince on February 27, 2008