1300 Dell Ave
Campbell, California 95008

April 28th, 2011, 10:30am to 1:15pm

April 28th Sassy

Sassy Networking is very energetic, social, smart and SASSY networking. It's our goal to continue CONNECTING in between meetings online via our Yahoo Group mailing list, Facebook and Twitter.

To connect with us and stay up to date, please join our Fan Page on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/SassyNetworking Join us and introduce yourself and your business on Facebook.

April's Sassy Networking event is April 28th from 10:30 to 1:15. Our venue for our Sassy Networking is a beautiful Pole Dancing studio in Campbell called Sedusa Studios. The address is 1300 Dell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008

Sassy Networking is $35 and that includes lunch, dessert and soft drinks.
Informal networking starts at 10:30. Orientation is at 11:00 and our first speaker starts at 11:15 a.m. We end our meetings with SPEED NETWORKING, so bring lots of business cards!

We have two fab speakers. It's always my goal with our Sassy events to combine Professional Development along with fab networking and connecting. This month I am excited to announce one of out topics is going to be TWITTER for BUSINESS and our speaker is Adam Helweh:

"Too much noise! How can I ever read everything that zooms by?! What can I possibly communicate in only 140 characters?"

These are all common statements made by people who don't have any idea why they would want to use Twitter to help their business. Whether you have never "tweeted" or have been using Twitter for months, you will want to attend Adam Helweh's discussion to cut through the hype and learn what using Twitter for your business is really about.


Official Website: http://www.chrystalbougon.com/April_28th_Sassy.php

Added by FullCalendar on April 15, 2011

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