202 Rigsbee Ave, 2nd Floor
Durham, North Carolina 27701

We’ll be joining forces with Startup Drinks and North Carolina Startup Blog this month, so you’ll hear a short bit from Marc DeWalle on those efforts. Also, be sure to follow in the Startup Drinks tradition and BYOB. Light snacks will be provided.

For the main presentation, Robbie Allen will share how his experience as an entrepreneur runs counter to much of the conventional wisdom in the startup community. He'll talk about starting StatSheet and what it has been like to build a web startup from scratch in the Triangle.

Robbie is the sole founder and developer of the StatSheet Network, a collection of websites that do interesting things with sports stats. He's authored or co-authored a dozen books with O'Reilly
Media on a variety of topics and has degrees from MIT in Information Technology and Engineering Management.

Official Website: http://www.refreshthetriangle.org

Added by peytoncrump on June 15, 2009