San Francisco
San Francisco, California

Be Part of a Pilot Public Radio Show!! Your life is interesting and the world wants to hear about it!

Engaged in a local community? On the scene? Meeting exciting people or just plain 'plugged-in?' If you love San Francisco and are involved in technology, science, design, music, media, or art, we want to talk to you!

We are developing a new radio show and we want you to be involved. Get creative. Share stories inspired by your world. Explore the latest trends in SF. Be the ears of your community and collect sounds of the city.

Interest piqued? Raring to go? We’re having a meet-up to tell you more about Sonic SF. Talk to us if you're interested in the following positions:

*On-air correspondents
*Web geniuses
*Publicity mavens

AudioLuxe Inc. is a group of journalists trained in the techniques of public radio and social media. No equipment or training required to participate. Contributors will also receive a small stipend for their work.

GUESTS: RSVP to [email protected] for venue information

Added by Sonic SF on June 27, 2008