678 Queen St. West
Toronto, Ontario M6J 1E5

Self-described as ‘piano-pop’, Toronto singer-songwriter, 2010 MusiCounts Fred Sherratt Award winner and 2011 Juno Awards Gala performer Nicole Byblow releases her second EP “Nicole Byblow Plays All the White Keys” in Canada: The Toronto launch is Sunday, August 28, 2011 at Czehoski (678 Queen St. West, just west of Euclid); doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9:00 p.m. (openers TBA). Tickets are $8.00 at the door or $15.00 for an admission/CD combo.

More Canadian EP release shows are in Winnipeg on Thursday, August 18 at Ragpickers Theatre Annexe and in Vancouver on Sunday, August 21 at Cafe Deux Soleils (other tour dates in the fall TBA soon).

Steve Cranwell, former senior VP Universal Music Canada and current judge on Corus Entertainment’s YTV show The Next Star states, “Nicole is one of the most refreshing faces I have encountered. She has everything it takes to be a star; musical chops, confident stage presence, creativity to stand out from the pack... An artist to follow closely.”

Nicole Byblow (Manitoba-born) tells the story leading to her 2011 Juno Gala performance and debut album launch, “I won the MusiCounts Fred Sherratt Award in 2010, which is associated with Juno Awards presenter, CARAS. I then moved to Toronto and in February 2011 saw an ad to apply for a Junos Week showcase, but missed the deadline by one day. I remembered a friend, who I'd met through the Fred Sherratt Awards, and asked him if he could help with the deadline. He took a personal like to my music and brought it to Steve Cranwell (then executive director of MusiCounts). Together they cleared the idea with the CARAS executives and they decided to showcase me at the Junos Industry Gala on behalf of MusiCounts and the Fred Sherratt Award.

“Every so often I allow myself to consider the nervous idea that my new album won’t be able to stand under the weight of the events prior to this release. But, truly I'm exceedingly proud of ‘Nicole Byblow Plays All the White Keys’; now all I want to do is share it.”

Byblow’s formative years as a musician is defined by two contrasted periods: She had 10 years of private lessons studying with the Royal Conservatory of Music and subsequently, two years in the contemporary music program at Selkirk College in Nelson, BC (Berklee College of Music affiliate). The Selkirk experience culminated in new song-writing and in her final year in the spring of 2010 she recorded the songs on this EP with drummer Melissa McWilliams and bass player, co-producer and recording engineer Ben Nixon.

Nicole Byblow Plays All the White Keys (the album title is a pop cultural homage to records of the late 50’s, early 60’s such as Bill Haley and the Comets and Chubby Checker) was recorded over four days in a garage-turned-studio in BC with the plucky, untainted enthusiasm common to most kids fresh out of music school. Because of the life-changing events of the last year, its release was postponed (and the delay brought fresh ears and insights to the album that necessitated re-mixes and refinement) until now.

More Quotes:

“The song ‘They Didn't Think So’ by Manitoba (born) Nicole Byblow is bright piano-based pop heralding the emergence of another stunning home-grown talent.” – Mark Rheaume, head of CBC Radio Music Resources, Toronto.

“I wanted to be first in line to help spread the word about this very talented young singer and songwriter. Smart and funny … she is obviously doing just what she loves best, in a way that makes it all look effortless.” – Sheryl McKay, CBC Radio Vancouver’s North by Northwest.

In partnership with Bell Media and CARAS (The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences), the MusiCounts Fred Sherratt Award is given each year to 12 outstanding post-secondary graduates of Canadian music programs.

Please note: Any previous release information stating that this is Byblow’s debut EP was in error and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Official Website: http://www.nicolebyblow.com

Added by Lockhart on August 2, 2011

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