7200 Dorey Park Drive
Richmond, Virginia VA

For ages 6-15. Learn essential baseball skills from the pros! Members of the Flying Squirrels baseball
team will be on hand to teach base running, infield & outfield work, hitting, pitching, and other baseball
skills! Athletes will spend day one at both RF&P and Dorey Park (75 athletes at each) and day two
will be held at The Diamond with all 150 athletes. Space is limited, so sign up today to take part in the
FUNN! Information: Richmond Flying Squirrels, 359-FUNN (3866).
June 29, 10 a.m.-noon at RF&P or Dorey Park.
June 30, 10 a.m.-noon at The Diamond.
$40. To register, call 359-FUNN (3866).

Official Website: http://www.co.henrico.va.us/dyn/med_document/00000000/0000000/000000/00000/8000/000/8095/PG_Summer2010.pdf

Added by janine.rvanews on June 9, 2010

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